Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

HOSTEL in DRESDEN · Görlitzer Strasse 34 · 01099 Dresden · Germany · Genuine Backpacker

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

August 29, 2008

Kategorie: —
Lolli @ 4:51 pm

Über unseren BLOG

Hello reader,

with this blog we try to give you, our dear guest, the latest and most up to date info what we are doing and thinking.  We want to give you updates about Dresden, whats going on in the clubs, good concerts, what’s up in town.  We hope to give you some insights in Dresden politics.

We also want to write about guests.  We get reviews every day from guest on all major booking websites and guests can complain or praise us.  This is very nice for the guest and a very important information for other guest to decide if a hostel is good or not.  (And our ratings are pretty good so far)  But sometime we feel like we want to review the guest as well.  We want to praise the ones who do their dishes and we want to diss the other ones who don’t care or who ask us questions again and again the asked us a couple of times before.

Every receptionist has the right to write articles.  So you will read many different opinions and different people have different views of the world.  Every comment from you is highly appreciated.  If there is something you like or dislike, if you want to complain or start a discussion, please comment.  We are really looking forward to read your opinions about the balderdash we produce.