Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

HOSTEL in DRESDEN · Görlitzer Strasse 34 · 01099 Dresden · Germany · Genuine Backpacker

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

Oktober 12, 2008

Kategorie: Neuigkeiten, Unsere Gäste — Schlagwörter: ,
betti @ 4:58 pm

I love our Flatseekers

Every early autumn we recieve a little mass (3-4 guys) of flatseekers: German freshmans, Erasmus students from Spain, Italy… etc. They stay for one or two weeks, are always nice, easy-going and charming. They make friendships here, cook even meals for receptionists and go to the concerts of our friends : )  Thank you guys for giving your spirit to our hostel!