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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

November 10, 2009

Kategorie: Hostel Neuigkeiten, Neuigkeiten, Uncategorized, Veranstaltungen
betti @ 3:18 pm

Christmas Celebrations in Lollis Homestay

Christmas is actually no Christian event it was long long time before a custom celebrated by the Teutons and  Scandinavians as Julfest. They celebrated the midwinter. That’s why we still put boreal confiers into our living rooms at Christmas time.  Because the solstice  makes the days finally longer and the nights shorter there is absoulutely no reason to become sentimental on Christmas. Midwinter is a good thing and therefore we will celebrate it duly. In our hostel Lollis Homestay will be music and karaoke and hopefully some gifted dancers. You can eat sweets ad nauseam and we will invite you to try the regional Christmas dinner (for free, of course): Potato salad with sausages, which is a relict from former times when people had less money and potatoes were the only cheap and available food. But as I wrote before: Let’s celebrate the good times and come and stay at Lollis Homestay for Christmas (Dec 24th).