Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

HOSTEL in DRESDEN · Görlitzer Strasse 34 · 01099 Dresden · Germany · Genuine Backpacker

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

Oktober 16, 2008

Kategorie: Neuigkeiten, Unsere Gäste — Schlagwörter: , ,
Juliane @ 3:42 am

receptionists are hungry

I would like to thank all our guests, who fed me during all the time, I worked here as receptionist (we don´t have time for things like that, we have to serve the world ;-). It was a pleasure to drink your citron tea, when I got a cold, to enjoy your self baked cakes, nicely arranged on a small plate, to celebrate a full and extraordinary tasty meal and to be invited to all the beers and cigarettes.You are the best!