Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

Oktober 18, 2008

Kategorie: Neuigkeiten, Unsere Gäste — Schlagwörter: ,
Lolli @ 6:33 pm

funny english

My english is far from being perfect.  I only learned a bit in school, but never learned talking there.  All the rest I picked up just from talking to people while travelling or working in the hostel.  But sometimes its even funny for me to hear other non English speakers trying to say something.  Today I had to check in two guest from Czech.  There english was not so good.  So they asked me for 2 pieces of this material after shower to make not shower.

What?  After a bit of talking with hands and feet I found out they were asking for a towel!  Well done, if you don’t know the word you only need to know how to explain with other words…