Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

März 11, 2010

Kategorie: Aktivitäten, Neuigkeiten — Schlagwörter: , , , , ,
Lolli @ 3:59 pm

the Neustadt scyscraper

One of the landmarks at the square Albertplatz close to the Neustadt train station is this 11 stories high scyscraper:

scyscraper at the Albertplatz square

It was build in 1929 and at this time it was one of the first scysrapers at all in Dresden.  At this time there was a very controversal debate about the building.  It was a sign of a new modern time right within an Wilhelminian style living area.  So conservative people were indignant. With its hight of 37m it caused a lot of protest from the Dresden people.

For building they used a new concrete and they were able to finish one story per week, which was a masterstroke.
1945 the scyscraper resist the bombing of Dresden.  The building was so robust it even survived an airplane crashing into it!

After the war it became home of the Municipal Transport Services of Dresden (DVB). Thats why its called until today the „DVB-Hochhaus“, the DVB scysraper.
Since 1996 it is empty and people were searching for a reasonable use.  There were many rumours about a students hostel or a hotel, but never anything happened.

The latest plans are to build a big shopping center (why is it always a shopping center – no other ideas?), a big basement garage, offices and apartments in the upper floors.  Most of the people involved appreciated the proposals, so we will see, maybe in the near future this prominent building will be in use again.  Lets cross fingers.

Some nice pictures can be found on this (German) blog of the developer.