Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

August 1, 2011

FESTIVAL 26th to 28th of Aug

The colourful and familiar Hechtfest, this time from the 26.-28. August 2011, that means 3 days with free live music (Pitchtuner, Off Beat Foundation, Eiszeitklub, Brother Honk & Unkmanganis, Oh Alter Knaben Herrlichkeit, The Lazy Boys, The Pond Pirates, the original Hecht-men-choir, the Ukrainiens, Rummelsnuff, Radiophon, Tokamak Reactor…), neighbour dog race, theatre, skate contest on miniramp, fire poi and streetgames not only for children and lots of self made food and drinks.

The Hechtquarter is in the north of Dresden, not far from the lively Neustadt quarter along the Hechtstraße, Rudolf- Leonard Straße and St Pauli Church,…

Here are some collected infos for you:

Rosis Stage:

flea market area:

Fichtenstraße between St. Pauli-Ruine and Hechtstraße

traditional dog race:

organised by the vet Dr. Fischer

alternative AZ Conni club:

What’s up in detail? You can check this out beginning of August here.

We wish you a lot of fun! See you there!