morning shift
Hi folks,
I had the morning shift this morning and it was a pretty busy Saturday morning. Imagine, making sure there is enough stuff on the buffet for breakfast, checking guests out, answer questions, lend bicyles, answer emails and much more. And then there are those taiwanese guys asking for a phonecard. No problem, we have Super Asia, Lord Europe, Tomato Call and the Gomio Calling Card. Where do you want to call? Taiwan. Just from here or from other countries as well? Only from Germany. Ok, then the price for Taiwan is not written on the posters, so I started searching for them in the internet. Do you remember, morning shift, busy, another person is waiting for the check out and I have to have a look on the rolls in the oven, I don’t want them to burn. I start looking on the first info about the prices, tell it to the guy, start looking for the other cards, just to make sure he gets the cheapest rate possible. He is waiting in front of the desk. While I am still searching for another option he is talking to his friends and then tells me they have a calling card already and they do not need one.
Thank you very much. Do you have a feeling for the good and for the wrong moments to bother people? Useless work, wasted time, would you mind thinking before you ask? Thanks – Michael