Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

November 21, 2014

Geocaching Tour in der Dresdner Neustadt


Wenn Ihr Lust habt, die Dresdner Neustadt abseits der touristischen Pfade zu erkunden, dann schaut mal bei Schatzsuche-Dresden vorbei.

Das Team bietet 2 neue Geocaching-Touren durch die Neustadt und entlang der Elbwiesen für Solospieler, 2er Teams & kleinere Gruppen an.

Dabei geht es mit modernster GPS-Navigationstechnik und weiteren kleinen Hilfsmitteln auf die Suche nach verborgenen Hinweisen und geheimen Zahlen. Dabei löst ihr knifflige Aufgaben, die Euch bei geschickter Kombination letztendlich zu einem kleinen Schatz führen.

Ihr bekommt zu Anfang eine kleine Einweisung in die Technik und habt anschließend ca 2,5h Zeit um zur Rätsel’s Lösung zu gelangen.

Das kleine Abenteuer bestreitet Ihr dabei alleine. Solltet Ihr einmal in der Klemme stecken, hilft Euch das Team aber gerne weiter.

Folgende Preise für die Neustadt-Tour:

– „Einzelkämpfer“ (1 Person): 39,- Euro incl. MwSt
– „2+1“ (bis zu 3 Personen): 59,- Euro incl. MwSt
– „Teamplay“ (bis zu 6 Personen): 99,- Euro incl. MwSt
Wer ein Smartphone sein Eigen nennt, kann auch an der Altstadtrallye teilnehmen.

Hierbei lernt Ihr in 2,5h die Sehenswürdigkeiten  von Augusts’ Residenzstadt, sowie einige historische Hintergrundinformationen kennen und begebt euch dazu auf die Suche nach versteckten QR-Codes.

Voraussetzung ist ein Smartphone mit Internetverbindung und einer App für QR-Scanning (wobei euch das Team bei der Einrichtung hier gerne hilft).

Folgende Preise für die QR-Code-Tour:

– „Einzelkämpfer“ (1 Person): 49,- Euro incl. MwSt
– „2+1“ (bis zu 3 Personen): 79,- Euro incl. MwSt
– „Teamplay“ (bis zu 6 Personen): 109,- Euro incl. MwSt

Buchungen werden direkt per Telefon & E-Mail in der Zeit zwischen 10.00-18.00Uhr entgegen genommen.

Telefon: 0351 8973 4295geocache-398016_640


Juli 5, 2010

Kategorie: Aktivitäten, Neuigkeiten — Schlagwörter: , , ,
Lolli @ 3:19 am

Nightwalk in the Neustadt area

Every Thursday we have a special offer for our guests: The Dresden Nightwalk is a guided tour of our multicultural area and cultural centre of Dresden.  Instead of the normal fee of 13 € we subsidise the tour, so it costs only 5 € per person, including 3 free welcome drinks at different bars or pubs.

This is not a drinking tour, its more a tour which explains about this area, its history and how it developed to what it is today.  You will get to know about the BRN (Bunte Republik Neustadt – colorful republic of Neustadt), the biggest street festival in this area, why people wanted to found an own independent republic here.  You will hear the stories of some famous pubs, you will find out what makes the „Neustadt“ so different from the rest of Dresden.  Can you imagine the big green park nearby where nowadays people hang out used to be a drill ground?
The Neustadt has over 130 bars, clubs, restaurants etc. all in a small area and every one has its story.  You will probably spot some of the characters of the quarter and next day you will be a bit more one of the „Neustädter“, the people who live here.

The Neustadt – neighborhood is best experienced at night – and the Nightwalk is the best and easiest way to do it.  No reservation is necessary, just stay with us on a Thursday night and join the tour after our free dinner.

Dresden Nightwalk

März 20, 2010

Kategorie: Aktivitäten, Neuigkeiten — Schlagwörter: , , , ,
Lolli @ 2:48 pm

audio tour on the persecution and annihilation of Jews in Dresden 1933 – 1945

There is a very interesting audio tour which guides you through Dresden and explains about places where Jews were persecuted between 1933 and 1945.  You can download the tour for free on this website.  The text below is copied from the website:

„History against the grain.“

We invite you on a tour of the city which follows the history of the persecution and extermination of the Jews in Dresden from 1933-1945. The audioscript leads you to twelve places which stand as examples for anti-Semitic persecution in Dresden during the national socialist period. Each audio contribution addresses historical and philosophical aspects of the crimes. In principle, you can choose the order of the places freely. The audio script doesn’t follow any overall chronological or story. The numbering is a suggestion made by us and is meant to serve as an initial orientation. Thus, you can begin with Track 2 in the inner courtyard of the New Synagogue, and continue to the other locations.

There are two ways to obtain the mp3-audio files. You can either borrow an mp3 player and a map from the lending stations or download it yourself to your personal player from this website. You can also download the map from this site. The individual tracks are divided into individual mp3 files, allowing you to choose between the individual tracks during your city tour. The corresponding numbering on the map corresponds to the respective track on the player.

Each track is between 10 and 20 minutes long and demands concentration from the listener. The complete listening time is thus approximately 3 hours. Please allow sufficient time to give the audio script the necessary attention, and remember to allow yourself breaks. Moving about the city also takes time and shouldn’t be underestimated. Some locations are on busy roads, so please take precautions and bear in mind that wearing headphones means that other outside sounds may not be easily noticed.