Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

April 3, 2009

Kategorie: Aktivitäten, Neuigkeiten — Schlagwörter: , , , ,
betti @ 5:03 pm

Where did you eat your best ice cream?

Howdy! There it is: The spring.

20°C, no cloud anywhere, just sun, sun, sun and shiny happy people.

To celebrate the arrival of the better half of the year, I ask you to tell me where did you eat your best ice cream.

März 28, 2009

Best love bird atmosphere

Only a few days and spring arrives in Dresden. You too? Then don’t miss these spots to revival your spring fever:

  • The Great Garden: lots of meadows to lay down on a picknick blanket,  a small baroque palace, ponds for the romantic do-it-yourself boat cruise and fountains for wet water games, lots of different flowers to put in your hair and feel the spirit of the 1970s. Close to the Great Garden is the best soft ice cream seller in this area. The long queue approves the quality.
  • The Dresden Zoo: Now’s the time when most animals got their offspring.  Gives you a big plus, if your girlfriend is besotted with cute animals.
  • The Elbe meadows: romantic bar-b-qs, camp fires, accoustic guitars and in front of you the silhouette of Dresden’s historical part. Your girlfriend will melt like icecream.
  • Martin-Luther-Platz: That’s were a friend of  mine roll on the cobble stones and was kissing a nice guy.  In the sheadow of the Luther church. So that seems to be a romantic place as well.
  • Pillnitz castle: Make a bike tour along the river and the Elbe meadows to this place. That’s really fantastic.  See the three Elbe castles and their vineyards. Arriving in Pillnitz you’ll find a romantic baroque castle with a big park to lay down, a photo setting for couples and a snack bar with saussages and french frites,  if you can’t bear so much kitsch and beauty.
  • The beer gardens: More or less Bavarian. The Neustadt has two less Bavarian, but more atmospheric ones. 1st the Scheune Biergarten with chains of light and under big trees and 2nd Raskolnikoff’s backyard with cobble stones and water games.