Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

August 18, 2013

Festival: Hechtfest – or the little sister of the BRN

You could translate Hechtfest with pike festival – but no, it’s not about eating pikes and who’s gonna catch the biggest fish from the Elbe. Hechtfest is simply a festival of a district in Dresden called Hechtviertel, which is only a 10-minute-walk away from our hostel, along the Hechtstraße, Rudolf- Leonard Straße and St Pauli Church,…. So instead of eating good smoked fish it is about music, arts, drinking beer, meeting people and having fun. Some people claim the Hechtfest to be the new BRN-festival (we have posted about it earlier this year) only a little smaller.

Anyways, the festival is taking place from August 23rd to August 25th in the Hechtviertel area. So come visit, get some funky souvenir at the little fleamarkets organised by families living in this area, join some concerts, see some art, take part in a football match, or visit the dog race. And the best ting about it: it’s all for free!

You can find more information and the whole programme on the website:
Unfortunately it’s all in German, but I’m sure you can click your way through it ;)


August 12, 2013

Kategorie: Aktivitäten, Kunst und Museen, Neuigkeiten, Veranstaltungen — Schlagwörter: , , , , , , , , ,
Elionore von Spira @ 9:16 am

Palais Summer

The Palais Summer has started again. It is a cultural festival taking place in the park of Japanisches Palais in Dresden from August 1st to August 25th. The focus of this festival is on art connected to the awarding of the Canaletto award. But even if you say „I’ve visited the old masters gallery the whole day long – I cannot take anymore art“  you don’t need to worry. It’s not like that. There are some paintings of local artists exhibited somewhere at the side of the garden. What is much more interesting is the programme that is going on during these days. There are piano nights, audio drama nights, you can take part in some yoga courses (at various times during the day), watch movies or join some painting performances such as nude painting in the park – where else can you get this if not in Dresden?!

And what is best: all these events are for free! You can even get blankets or deck chairs there, in case it gets cold at night.

So why not spend a day or two in Dresden and visit the Palais Summer?!

On their website you can get more information and also find the whole programme:

Februar 13, 2012

Kategorie: Aktivitäten, Hostel Neuigkeiten, Neuigkeiten, Neuigkeiten, Unsere Gäste — Schlagwörter: , , ,
Lolli @ 10:46 pm

movie about a trip to Japan

On Saturday the 25th of February we will show a movie of a guest who travelled to Japan. Its about a trip to central Japan in November 2011.  You will see Japan from a non touristic perspective and the guy who travelled there will be around and tell something about his trip and is happy to answer your questions.  You will see Nagoya Seaport, Ise Jingu (the big shrine from Ise), Oigawa Tetsudo (historical steam train), Kyoto (historical places like Kingaku-ji, Gingaku-ji world heritage), Kanazawa (a wedding, Ninja temple and historical Samurai houses), Shirakawa -go, (historical original farmer village), the Noto pensinsula and 3 days Tokyo.

The show will start at 8pm.  Like always its free, no cover fee.

Am Samstag, dem 25. Februar zeigen wir einen Film eines Gastes, der durch Japan gereist ist.  Hier seine Beschreibung:

„Ich war als Reisender da und habe mit Japanern am Tisch gesessen. Nicht so einen Touristenmist gemacht. Meinen japanischen Freunden hat der Film sehr gefallen. Wenn gewünscht kann ich dazu was erzählen. Für einen Nanban-Jin kenne ich mich recht gut in Japanischer Geschichte aus. Es war allerdings eine Kulturreise, no Action.;-) Man muss sich für so etwas interessieren. Es ist zu sehen: Nagoya Seaport, Ise Jingu (Großschrein von Ise), Oigawa Tetsudo (historische Dampfeisenbahn), Kyoto (historische Plätze u.a. Kingaku-ji, Gingaku-ji Welterbe der Menscheit), Kanazawa (hautnah Shintoistische Hochzeit, Ninja Tempel und historische Samuraihäuser), Shirakawa -go, (historisches Bauerndorf im Original erhalten), Reise durch die Halbinsel Noto im japanischen Meer und 3 Tage Tokyo.“

Der Film beginnt um 20 Uhr und kostet natürlich wie immer bei uns keinen Eintritt,

September 7, 2010

Kategorie: Hostel Neuigkeiten, Neuigkeiten — Schlagwörter: , , ,
Lolli @ 9:59 am

new hostel video out now

We got a new hostel video!  The idea for the movie was inspired by the french movie „Amélie“.  We are very thankful to Uli and Mike from seven-inch, who made the video, and to Andre and Jenny who were the main actors.  Well done everyone:

März 18, 2010

Kategorie: Aktivitäten, Neuigkeiten — Schlagwörter: , , ,
Lolli @ 12:22 am

Dresden Neustadt movie

This is how the city marketing tries to promote our neighborhood Dresden Neustadt:

A nice trial, isn’t it? But believe me, its not so boring here as the movie tries to suggest you! Check it out, real (night-)life is much more exciting, people are more diverse, more children are around (on daytime), streets are busier.   There is something what makes the area really different to the rest of Dresden.  Maybe its the number of bars and clubs all close together in a small area, maybe its the streetart you can find everywhere, maybe its the tolerance of the people to all the different ways of living, maybe its the young lively atmosphere.  Probably its a mixture of all those.

Any opinions?