Dresden Hostels Jugendherberge Youth Hostel in Dresden Neustadt billig

HOSTEL in DRESDEN · Görlitzer Strasse 34 · 01099 Dresden · Germany · Genuine Backpacker

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

September 25, 2011

new Hostel event plan

Hey fellows! Great you spend time with us! We like to have many beautiful and colourful people here in Lollis, who have positive fun and action! Anyway here is our new event plan to help you to feel duly arrived in Germany:

Monday: BARBECUE with Zeli from Prague around 7pm in front of Lollis. Just bring a peace of meat or your zucchini and we do the rest!

Tuesday: FREE GERMAN LESSON with Gina from Florida. Gina helps you to survive your trip in Germany. Learn how to order sausages, potato salad or sauerkraut! Don’t worry you can also learn some helpful phrases, just  aks her. Start around 7pm.

Wednesday: FREE DINNER with Zeli. She always cooks very delicious and veggie czech food around 7:30pm. First come, first served!

Thursday: NIGHTWALK with Danilo at 9pm, starting right from Lollis. Danilo is a real Dresdener, who has a 2 hours walk in our colourful and artisty quarter with you. He tells you the most important facts about the „Neustadt“, shows you some interesting curiosities and funky backyards. You will get one shot on the way and 2 welcome drinks in two different bars, where you have the chance to get to know some other guests while taking a rest (only for 5 € per person, drinks inclusive).

Friday & Saturday: Now that you know so many new people and the quarter, we thought you might want to go with them in one of the around 200 pubs or clubs here!

Sunday: FREE DINNER with Pranav from Mumbai. Time to say good bye to your new made friends or to decide to stay one more week! Pranav pleases you with his hot indian dish…but sometimes he even tries to cook italien spaghettis. If you wanna know, how this tastes, you’re cordially invited around 7:30pm.


August 6, 2011

Weekly Events at Lollis Homestay

Shut down your laptop, turn off your cell phone and go meet some real people! There are fellow travelers all around! All Lollis Homestay guests and visitors are most welcome (the more the merrier!) to our weekly events in the hostel:

Monday @ 7:30 pm

free dinner with our Czech cook Zeli


Tuesday @ 8:00 pm


In front of the hostel. We have the hot grill, you bring the steak or sausage or zucchini filled with feta cheese (if you are a vegetarian). Get your stuff at the Netto supermarket nearby or buy it from us.


Wednesday @ 8:00 pm

Learn German in one hour with our American – free

Need a little help negotiating through all that German Bratwurst? Are the Germans putting you down because you keep saying „Hello“ instead of „Hallo“? Well, come and learn the German Basics from a real American who’s suffered the slings and arrows of Dresdeners so you don’t have to. In one hour, she’ll teach you how to get along with those gruff Germans in their own language. You’ll learn how to meet and greet and order everything from ice cream to Schweinshaxe. Only the important stuff. Germans are welcome too.


Thursday @ 7:30 pm

free dinner with our Indian cook Pranav


Thursday @ 9:00 pm

The Dresden Neustadt NightWalk with Danilo – 5 € per person

A guided tour by night through our trendy neighbourhood, the “Neustadt. It’s packed with more than 130 different bars, pubs, clubs and restaurants. Pub crawl with ambition: You’ll get historic information about the district, including the changes after the unification, the origins of the largest street festival in Germany, and much more. You’ll also get to know some bar and pub legends and hear about famous visitors. The tour includes 3 free welcome drinks in different locations and takes about 2 hours.

Times may change, so please always check the blackboard at the reception. Occasionally, we also have special events which we of course invite you to join. But again, check the blackboard for these.

September 8, 2009

Sei mit uns!

Jeden Dienstag & Donnerstag um 19.30 h.

Hostel-Staff und Gäste kommen zusammen um in gemütlicher

Runde zu dinnieren und zu plaudern.

Wir kochen und du erscheinst einfach mit guter Laune und

einem leeren Bauch ;)

So einfach ist das – Guten Appetit*!

*immer vegetarisch

Kategorie: Aktivitäten, Hostel Neuigkeiten, Neuigkeiten — Schlagwörter: , , , , , , ,
betti @ 4:33 pm

Join our dinner!

Every Tuesday and Thursday at about 7:30pm.

Hostel guests and staff come together to chat and have a wonderful dinner in the hostel kitchen.

We cook and you should bring high spirits and an empty belly ; )

That’s it. Enjoy our meal.