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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

April 29, 2015

Filed under: our guests — Tags: , , ,
marc @ 2:01 pm

On her way to India

We were delighted to give Rae a lovely stay to rest and recover on her way to India!

The bike is f*cking heavy (i tried to lift it :)) So it’s gonna be a pain to overwind mountains!

Next stop will be in Königstein staying at the Ferdinands Homestay! We wish her all luck making it to India!


April 18, 2015

Young Europeans Statistics



You are aged between 16 and 29 years? You live in Europe or you are interested in the european way of life? Then you can use this online tool (“Eurostat”- european statistics, they are NOT collecting your personal informations) to compare your life with other european and young people!

The differences can be small somethimes, but huge in other aspects of life (age, work, internet, social life, education,…). Try, enjoy and learn: