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September 20, 2016

World Press Photo 16


World Press Photo 16 is a global exhibition presenting the best visual journalism of the past year.
Come and see the most compelling photos in stunning, high-quality Canon prints until 23rd September 16.

This years winner is Warren Richardson’s amazing picture of a Syrian refugee.

Bring your smartphone to get the full experience:
• Hear photographers talk about their work
• View the complete picture stories
• Get technical details of the photos
• Read captions in 9 languages

The Exhibition can be seen inside the Bahnhof Dresden Neustadt.
If you just misses it you can either visit World Press Photo 2016 or see the exhibition in:
Central Station Frankfurt: 27.09. – 05.10.2016
Central Station Berlin: 07.10. – 19.10.2016
Central Station München: 20.10. – 30.10.2016

(Picture 1: By IngolfBLN [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Picture 2: World Press Photo / Warren Richardson)