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HOSTEL in DRESDEN · Görlitzer Strasse 34 · 01099 Dresden · Germany · Genuine Backpacker

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Lollis Homestay – Hostel BLOG

November 11, 2015

Chasing the sunrise – welcome to the Saxon Switzerland night walk

Have you already seen some impressive pictures of the sunrises in the Saxon Switzerland?


Imagine thousands of stars in the open sky. The first shades of dark blue sky turn up and you can see the burning red sun rising. That’s the view you’ll get while sitting on the edge of a big flat rock.

We offer a unique and spectacular night walk from the foot to the top of the Lilienstein mountain.

Therefor you’ll be picked up in front of the Hostel Lollis Homestay at about 3 a.m.. It will take us about an hour by car to get there. Once there, we’ll start the hike in the middle of a wild looking forest. Don’t worry – some lamps will be provided to get you there safe and easy. We’ll reach the lookout point when it’s still dark – just perfect to look at the stars (if weather plays along ;))


We will provide you with some hot tea. It can get cold and windy up there. So please dress accordingly.

The view when the sun rises is just impressive and spectacular. You’ll see the clouds floating through the valley of the river Elbe. Expect some awesome pictures.


Speaking of pictures. You are welcome to bringing you camera (+ tripod if available) with you. I also will bring my equipment. Don’t worry, if you don’t have a camera with you. I will share my pictures of the tour with you!

At about 9 a.m. we will head back. So we’ll probably be back at the hostel at about 10.30 – 11 am.


So what makes this tour so unique? It’s quite simple. You can only do the tour by yourself during the day using the train, which runs on the other side of the river. In order to get to the Lilienstein, you need to take the ferry, which only runs during day time.

The whole tour will cost you 20€ (that’s what you would have to pay for a return train ticket and a return ferry ticket).


You’ll find this hangout a day before the tour starts at the reception. When you pay for the tour, a voucher will be given to you!

Minimum size of the group: 2 guests / Maximum size of the tour: 4 guests